Saturday, October 3, 2015

Boys and a SNOW FORT!

 We sledded, we drank hot chocolate, we skied, we built snowmen and we had snowball fights.  What else can you do with all this snow?  You build a great big snow fort! We worked really hard on this thing for almost 3 hours!

 There was a slide on the left and stairs going up on the right.  I thought it was pretty cool they added some extra features.

 Hunter and Evan hiding out in the fort and you can see Lucas and Blaine in the back ground getting ready to sled down the hill.

This was a fun day.  I think my arms were sore for two days.  I have to take some of the credit for this fort.  I did all the shoveling for snow!!  When the days warmed this was the last thing to melt in the yard.

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