Sunday, October 12, 2014

Let's go to the POOL

After moving into the GCC neighborhood trips to the pool became much more frequent.  All the kids love to go and so many of our friends join in on the fun.  It is a great way to play outside and make memories of summertime fun!  Chloe loves to swim and is an excellent swimmer!  She must take after her Uncle David!

Lucas riding his 'surf board!"  Thanks to a great daddy who plays in frigid pool water while mom hangs out on the steps in the nice warm sun!

Notice there are no floaties.  This little man started swimming this year without them.  It is more like a modified version of drowning.  He has a mean doggie paddle while holding his head straight up out of the water looking toward the sky.  His technique is hard to describe.  Picture every part of his body underwater except for his nose and mouth.  I'm still not sure how he managed to pull it off.  Hopefully, next summer he will have the confidence to put his whole head under water and SWIM!

Another great daddy that will play in the water with the kiddos so moms can sit in the nice warm sun.

Piggy back swimming is always fun!

Another fun summer at the pool!

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