Friday, September 12, 2008

Starting school

This has been another big week for Hunter. He has started going to 'school' on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-12. There are 5 little friends in his class, including himself. They range in age from 10 months to 18 months and they are all girls. For right now I don't think he will mind, but in the future he may not be fond of all the girls. He has two teachers that are extra sweet and Hunter likes them both. On Monday we picked him up a little earlier and made a mad dash home to eat lunch and lay down for the big afternoon nap. Needless to say, Hunter was very tired after his busy little morning. We pack Hunter a snack for the morning and the big lesson for them to learn the first part of the year is how to eat their snack at a special little table with friends (those that are big enough). While Hunter was in school, David and I took advantage of the free time and enjoyed two nice long runs on the Creeper Trail. We are both training for the Shut In Trail Run, which is an 18 mile run that climbs 3000 feet on a mountain in Asheville, NC. Right now the name of the mountain escapes me so I will have to look that up later. I have run the race once in the past and David has successfully completed 5 races. It is a beautiful run with the trail winding throughout the woods. Even though I have only run this once before, it has been one my favorite races. The scenery is beautiful and it is so peaceful--you almost forget that the entire race is uphill....almost. Of course I took pictures of Hunter's first day of class! I will post them soon.

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