Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Last few days of Wrightsville Beach 2016

 On one of our last days at the beach we were blessed to meet up with some childhood friends that took us on a boat ride.  As I recall this moment, it is bittersweet to post.  We were picked up at Bluewater from our good friends Sherman and Vicki.  Sadly, Sherman passed away the following year.  What a great memory for my kids to have of this wonderful man.
 Gaga and Mrs. Vicki enjoying the ride on another beautiful beach day.
 My heart.
 And again, I could write a book on how much I love this man and all he does for our family.

 Lucas and I have a great time in the sand.  He loves for me to bury him up to his waist.

 We all take turns having epic paddle ball tournaments.  David is pretty good as you can imagine.
 Why, yes...I will take a poster size of this to put on my wall. Oh, how I love this man. #Heart
 And this one too!
One day I will live here...again.  Maybe not this beach, but at the beach.  I am happy, always happy with the salt in the air, the sand at my feet and the magnificence of the sea.  We had an amazing week at the beach and thankful for every single moment that we had together.  The only thing missing was the puppies!

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