Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hunter and I made a trip home to Pilot Mountain over the Labor Day weekend while David worked. It is always nice to go home and see all of our family. Hunter, Chloe, Jenny, Papa, Gaga, and myself all went to eat fish on Friday night. Hunter, of course, does not eat fish so I packed his dinner to take, but boy did he have a good time in the restaurant. Thank goodness they stuck us in a corner room with other children and thank goodness it was a kid friendly place to go. Hunter, Chloe and about 4 other children all played while mommies and daddies ate dinner. We may be in trouble if he thinks all out to eat dinners are this fun and crazy! The rest of the weekend was spent playing around Papa, Gaga and Granddaddy's house. We made our trip back to Abingdon on Sunday so Hunter could have some Daddy time.
David had Labor Day off so he and Hunter had a fun filled day while I cleaned the house. We all spent the afternoon at the pool. It was the last open day for the season so it was super crowded. Hunter didn't know what to think about all the people so he stayed pretty close to David the whole time. This was the first time we had been to the pool since Hunter started walking, so he enjoyed getting in and out of the pool..over and over and over again.
Today was the first day I have left Hunter for and extended period of time with people other than family. We have joined our local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and today was our first meeting. It is a chance for moms to get together and share their experiences as moms through fellowship, lecture and crafts. I really enjoyed meeting other young mothers in our community and Hunter had a blast playing all morning with new friends. I checked on him throughout and once he was cleaning off the table with some sort of cloth he found and another time I caught him standing up backwards and jumping in a chair! Thankfully, no one was hurt and the teacher was there to whisk him safely to the floor to play with some trucks. I am looking forward to our next meeting and I hope Hunter is too.

First tractor ride with Papa.
First nap after 15 minutes on our first tractor ride!
Chloe--What a rock star! She insisted she wear her sunglasses--exclusively be DTE (Dora the Explorer)
Gaga and Hunter on the Polaris. He is now big enough to turn the steering wheel.
Hunter and Chloe are standing in the back of the Polaris eating apples they helped Papa pick!
Chloe is convinced that 'Pooh' lives in this hole. She calls him by name every time we walk past it. Who knows, maybe Pooh does live in this hole. Today she was showing Hunter his home.
Over and over. Does this look like fun to anyone?
Hunter helping David wash the cars. I think we went through 3 outfits that day.


  1. Hey!
    I helped you set up this blog then promptly forgot the address. Finally found it, though. Hunter has gotten so big in just a month!
    Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving.

  2. hey you guys! i miss ya'll so much! love the pics of chloe and hunter..cant wait to see everyone Sunday!
