Monday, August 25, 2008

This has been a great weekend. David was off and the weather here has been beautiful for lots of outside activities. We made a trip out to the Holston dam, which is in TN, to check out the famous trout fishing spots for David. The dam is amazing and Hunter had fun watching all the people fishing in the river. If you ask me, some of those guys fishing are cheating. The dam operators have these 'wells' in the river that rise and fall when the water is released. The fish seem to get trapped in there so they become easy targets for fishermen. You guys can decide. We also spent lots of time on the Creeper Trail. We usually go running after Hunter's morning nap, and since the weather has been close to perfect, we have been taking extra walks on the Trail in the afternoons. We have been searching for that perfect spot where the dogs and Hunter can play and David can fish. So far we haven't found it. There are some good access points along our walk, good for fishing, not so good for little boys to play in. Hunter loves the river and one of his new favorite things to do is to throw rocks in the water. He really enjoys throwing the rocks and watching Abby chase them.
For our Ibis fans out there, we almost lost him on our last Creeper Trail hike. As you all know Abby is our little lap dog, one that is entirely dependent on human entertainment and is never more than a leg's length from your shadow. She is great and we hardly ever walk her on a leash. Ibis, on the other hand, is our free spirit and he is restricted to a 'leash only' policy on our walks, hence we may never see him again. Well, we found a good spot to let Hunter play down by the river so I thought it would be OK to let Ibis run around for awhile and take a little swim. Ibis loves to swim and isn't the least little bit afraid of the water or rapids, or snakes, or, I really can't think of a thing he is afraid of. Needless to say, Ibis swam across the river and spent the rest of the time on the river hunting (or whatever he does on his adventures) and out of site. We spent the whole time calling him. It was awful. For about an hour we debated on who was going to cross the river and go search for him. While David was searching for a place to cross, here comes Ibis running down the rocky beach on the opposite side of the river, he catapults into the river and heads for the rock David is standing on. The next thing I see is a wet dog being tossed into the air as David pulls him from the rapids by his harness. David was so upset with him and Hunter and I are just laughing at this ridiculous sight. From down at the river's edge David was yelling, "Get out his leash!" Well, Ibis is safe. He has quite the adventures around here. The 'leash only' policy is back in effect for now.
Hunter also got a great little car over the weekend. He loves to sit in our cars and 'drive.' It is a little tikes car that we can push from the back and he loves it. Sometimes it is hard to get him out. We have lots of great pictures and videos of him riding in this car.

This is about as deep as it gets for Abby. We are just happy she got her feet wet.
This is the spot where we lost Ibis. He was running up the shoreline on the left.
Ibis found and trying to get back into David's good graces!
New favorite toy!

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