Monday, September 29, 2014

Sullins Kindergarten trip to Fern Valley Farm

Hunter's Kindergarten class took a trip to Fern Valley Farm this spring.  I am sure I have a few other blogs about FVF and I am sure I will be posting more in the future.  It is a popular place for kids around here to go.  Here they are listening to the 5 rules Mrs. Lynn wants to remember while on their visit to the farm.
Getting ready for our tractor ride to feed the sheep and Tucker the Alpaca.

Feeding the sheep never gets old.

Petting Sarge, one of the Great Pyranees that live on the farm and helps protect the sheep and other small animals that live on the farm from foxes and coyotes.
Newest member to the farm this year was a cow.

Holding Butterscotch the three legged bunny.
The pigs love when the kids come to the farm.  They are lucky enough to get all the left over food from our picnic lunch.
Greenhouse garden this year is also new.  It looked fabulous and I had garden envy.
Group project!  Planting sunflower seeds.

All in a circle to pet and contain the baby chicks on the farm.  Fun day as always at FVF!

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