Complete exhaustion! This is probably the best description of our trips to Amelia. We always have the most wonderful time. This year the kids were 1, 2, 3 and 4 so needless to say we were busy, busy, busy. The older boys have a blast playing together on the beach, riding bikes and just doing whatever it is little boys like to do. I think in this picture Hunter was acutally taking and afternoon nap. He is getting better and better and keeping up with big cousin Eli, but at the end of the day, he is still a year younger and a few bars lower in the energy department!
Lucas is was so much fun this trip! The last time we were here he was only 4 months old. He had a blast and loved the water, the sand and all the entertainment. He may be the youngest, but he has no trouble trying to keep up with the bigger kids. What a ham!
Fun at the playground.
As you could imagine the water temperature in Florida was perfection during July. In Abingdon the pool stays frigid all summer (my opinion, some folks say the cool temps are refreshing!), but the warm water was perfect for the boys. They loved it. Hunter grew more confident with his swimming everyday and Lucas had a blast splashing around and people watching.
Cuteness~I look at these pictures, since I am posting almost a year later and it is amazing to see how he has grown.
A favorite afternoon treat, ICECREAM!
Turtle watching.
I nice afternoon hike through one of the marshes on the island.
Tired and hot, but they are looking over the walkway at the hunderds of miniture black crabs that live down there.
Here they are. One day we will laugh at these pictures and the difficult time we had getting them!
Brotherly love..
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