Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Play and play.
Sweet Hunter.

Little Lucas...
Playing in the leaves after school. We had some beautiful colors this year.


Trying to eat. Lucas is the messiest and hardest kid to feed. He doesn't like baby food so I make most of his food or just give him what we are eating. Not to mention he squirms and fusses through most of the feeding!

This is just a funny picture! I am sure Lucas feels this way most of the time they are wrestling!

Yes, he is crawling! He is on the move. It took him about 2 weeks to get the hang of it and now he is a speed racer. Not to mention he pulls up or climbs on anything he can get a toe hold on. Seems to me that Hunter didn't do this stuff until 9 months...why are we starting 3 months early!

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