Wednesday, January 3, 2018

On the Slopes

 Now she's ready and off they go.  Most of the time Hunter and Lucas lead the way and Chloe followed.
 This looks like Why Not.  By the end of the week this run was closed.  It is one of the boys' favorites as it has many jumps and turns and bumps.  It's a green that goes on for miles down the mountain.  The boys never tire of it.

 Look at how she was already nailing her turns!

 Lucas doesn't use polls, yet.  He only needs them to poll himself to the lift!  It was hard at the base where the snow was one big mushy mess.  I will give him was hard getting through that mess.

 I was so proud of how well she did and wasn't the least bit hesitant on the steeper stuff.  She simply took her time and crossed her way down the mountain.  The best way to do it.  You get more tired but who cares!
The views from the top are always amazing.  They never disappoint.  We skied a lot more on the back side of the mountain as it took longer to get over there, there was less traffic and more snow.  More good snow that is.

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