Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2016 NC Summer Beach Trip

 Hanging out on the pier with these sweet kids.  It was a beautiful week at the beach and we all had a wonderful time together.  We usually head to Amelia Island for a week with Kevin and his family but this year we took a break as the condo was getting a face lift.  It was a nice break from routine and we enjoyed every minute together.
 Finally getting big enough to ride the skim boards with some skill after the disastrous first year attempt.  Ouch.
 Lucas continues to find amazing treasures along the shoreline.
 Chloe and her gymnastic skills aced the skim board.
 Our set up every day!  We never pack light, especially when we camp out all day on the beach.  We learned some tricks...like when it's windy, you drop a side to help protect the tent and you still have a place to stay out of the sun.
 Everyone in our family loves to boogie board!
 Hello Papa!  It was so wonderful having them at the beach with us this year!

 Hello Gaga!

 David bought this net to catch fish and critters along the surf or in the marsh.  Here they are trying to figure it out.  Lucas was especially interested in this as he is the one that is always trying to catch special treasures.
Giving it a try.  I don't think we were able to catch a thing in the surf, but had better luck later in the marsh.

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