And....Ta---Da! The award for the day. I was frustrated with my third place finish but I was super excited that I was able to set a PR and beat at least 4 professional females! Whoop, Whoop! I must say that my age group is stacked with some super talented ladies!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Proof we did actually run the race!
Its really hard to get pictures of David and I while we are racing. Mom and dad are busy with the kids and the transitions are so quick there is simply no time to snap a picture. There are professional photographers out and about along the course snapping live shots of you during the race but we usually never buy them! So here a few we snapped at the end of the day as proof that we did complete the race! The boys helped us with our bike pick up. They were both a big help getting our transition areas all cleaned up. Hunter was able to spot David's bike out of the line up and Lucas was able to help find mine.
And....Ta---Da! The award for the day. I was frustrated with my third place finish but I was super excited that I was able to set a PR and beat at least 4 professional females! Whoop, Whoop! I must say that my age group is stacked with some super talented ladies!
And....Ta---Da! The award for the day. I was frustrated with my third place finish but I was super excited that I was able to set a PR and beat at least 4 professional females! Whoop, Whoop! I must say that my age group is stacked with some super talented ladies!
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