Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Great Wolf Lodge in Charlotte

Let the Magi quest begin!  Thank goodness Master Evan was with this group to lead the way.

For those of you unfamiliar with this game let me just get you up to snuff.  First, you have to buy the gear (everyone needs to fell the part, right?).  This includes the full ensemble of wizard attire; hat, cloak, wand with a cool topper, and a belt to hold your quest card and wand.  Lucas was all into the costume.  This was his favorite part.  Ok, so amongst the first two floors of the hotel they had it set up as a Magi quest game.  You had to figure out the clues to unlock one level to the next.  You had to use your wand to assist finding the clues.  The wands also stimulated certain objects in the hotel to move. The boys loved this game.  It was really like being a part of a video game.  It would hard to say which they liked more, Magi quest or the indoor water park!

One curious little wizard.
And it is very cool if you stay in your outfit ALL DAY.
Lucas working his magic.
Here you can see how Blaine used his wand to open the treasure chest.

It was even necessary to sleep in this attire.  I love their imagination.

Senior wizards.  This cracks me up.  This picture could have been taken at 7 in the morning or 9 at night.  If we weren't in the water park, they were play Magi quest.

And we followed them around like puppies.  The first time was cool.  The 100th time was enough to make me pull my hair out.  We had to work this game in shifts!

Pink drinks for the ladies!
Brian taking it easy in the wave pool.  You start to do things like this in a crazy waterpark, with children wizards running around everywhere.

Or you pretend, like I caught David doing, that you are in the ocean swimming freestyle in the warm tropical waters of paradise.
Yup, it was crowded and cold.  Kids love it, I hate it.

Lining up for the ropes course.
Leaf frog across the Lilly pads.

Hunter loved this obstacle.  He did it over and over.  I like it too and we would have races to see who could cross the fastest.

Blaine made it!

Fun weekend trip with the boys.  We needed to get out of the house and move after months of cold, dreary weather.  An indoor water park was a clever idea.  Until next time....but at some point they grow out of this stuff, right?  Im not wanting them to rush and grow up but I can think of some cooler places to go than the water park!

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