Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day one comes to an end....

 We took a few moments to watch the big boys in school.  They started and finished outside at the school house.  The little kids started inside.  They had other activities for the kids to do if they tired of skiing or if they got too cold.  Of course, I got a call from Lucas's teacher on the first day saying he was tired and missing mommy but was doing better after they put him in the "feel better room."  We picked them up everyday at 2 and skied with them until the lift lines closed at 3:30.  They officially closed the slopes at 4pm to prepare for the night skiing.  It gets darker earlier out there and for safety it was better to be off the mountain at 4.  There are miles and miles of trails and I could see how easily someone could get lost!
 Daddy going up the lift with Lucas!  They were quite the pair in their matching red outfits!
 Big Daddy taking Blaine down the mountain.  I think by the second run with daddies in control they gave up and let them go.  They took off and never looked back!  It's amazing what they can do!
 From the look on his face I think he was saying, "I'm done!"
 Big boys coming in for the evening.  They had the best instructor.  He gave them those little sprigs to put on their helmet when they went up the mountain.  It was for some accomplishment but also an identifier for the teacher.

 Coming in to help strip down the boys!

 Snuggles with some tired kids.
 Best daddy and husband in the world.  We love him to the moon and back!
 "I'm starving!  Snow will fill me up!"

 Lucas and Blain pick up.  They drew in the snow to help direct the kids!  More awesomeness from the ski school!

New 'ninja' mask!  Who knew it could also keep one's face warm!

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