Friday, June 6, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

 So I know this blog looks a little confusing.  Yes, it is about Thanksgiving but looks more like Christmas.  I used to hold fast that we couldn't start decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving but we have so many decorations and it takes such a long time to get them up we started early so we would have plenty of time to enjoy them.
Gaga loves to decorate sugar cookies just as much as the kiddos do.  I think everyone was finished and mom was still busy creating her masterpieces!
This tree has a funny story.  We decorated it not once, or twice but three separate times.  I really thought I was losing my mind. I also wanted to pitch the thing out the window.  It started with the first batch of lights going out.  Stands to reason the tree is close to four years old.  No problem, we took them off and all the decorations and replaced them with some spare white lights we had in the basement.  Done.  It was hilarious.  We re-decorated the tree in the daytime so we couldn't see that the white lights we were using were those fluorescent LED lights.  It looked like the smurf village lit up our room.  It was also distracting from the outside.  Every room and porch glowed with a soft white light, except our bedroom.  It was glowing like some blue fire ball.  I couldn't stand it.  We took it all down and finally got it fight the third time!!!!!

My sweet little buddies lounging together while the tree goes up.

Our little helper.  Lucas loves looking at all the ornaments, but he doesn't always want to leave them on the tree.

The Thanksgiving Spread!!  If I remember correctly , between Thanksgiving and Christmas I cooked 4 turkeys and 3 hams!  I have a new respect for chefs.  It takes a lot of time, energy and preparation for a meal this size for lots of folks to enjoy.  I don't care how long it takes, I really love hosting and look forward to doing it again next year!
The non meat side!

My thoughtful husband making sure to get a picture of the family giving thanks for a great year, yummy food and bountiful blessings!

Chocolate pie, anyone?  I'm not sure if I baked more turkey and ham or pie!
Even the dogs were exhausted from eating too much food.

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