Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Halloween 2013

Oh, what fun is Halloween! This was our first year celebrating the scary holiday in our new home but we were pros at hitting up the GCC neighborhood and parading around at Sinking Springs trunk or treat.  Hunter was dressed up as a very handsome knight and Lucas was a very scary (or very cute) little black spider.  Our old neighbors the Mathesius's and now our new neighbors in GCC hosted a pre trick or treating Halloween party where we all hung out and had pizza and treats before waking the neighbors with a herd of screaming children all begging for candy.  Well, it wasn't exactly like that.  The kids were very well behaved and used some great manners when asking for candy.  I was very proud of them all.  Even the bigger kids were helping the smaller ones.  After all, it takes a village.

This post is specifically for Matt and Kelly.  These are two of the cutest and sweetest kiddos I know.  They are the best of friends.  Larkin looks great in her costume, but I will be very glad to see JoJo the clown costume on sale at wee-cycle this year!!
Friends and classmates hanging out at Sinking Springs trunk or treat.   If I had to peg a favorite holiday for Lucas it would have to be Halloween.  Tricks, treats and costume fun are exactly his idea of a good time.
My car for trunk or treat.  I think this is year number 6 for me.  I never win, but I put in a good effort for the kids.  There is always next year….it will be our last at Sinking Springs preschool. I am getting a little misty just thinking about that.  My how the time flies.
Our BFF's dressed as you know who for the holiday fun.  They score major parental points for donning such festive attire!!
And they are all ready to go!  Hunter looks like a giant!
The rest of the gang and our best attempts at a photo before the made release!
Our sweet little bat taking a break from all the walking.  I bet he stopped after every house to take inventory on his candy.
Cutest knight I've ever seen.


And last, but certainly not least, was the Sullins Halloween party.  It was a family affair including games, arts and crafts, storytelling and sweets.  Hunter did start the day in part of his costume, but if you know Hunter he doesn't ever like to do things that are out of box…like wearing your Halloween costume to school.  I mean, who really likes doing that anyway?

As the boys continue to grow the holidays are getting increasingly more fun.  I hold on to each and every moment for I feel like in a blink of an eye they will be gone.  I love these two little boys more than I ever thought I could love anything in my entire life.  We are one blessed family.

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