Wednesday, September 11, 2013

End of school and the beginning of some summer fun

 This is not a good picture I know, but it's all I got for Lucas's end of the school year production.  He is also rocking a sleeveless shirt for the big show.  This is his style, his attitude and I love his spunky little attitude.
Sweet Emerson perfectly posed for the big production.

 I love these 2 pictures.  This is the majority of the girls in Lucas's class all lined up to paint on the fence.  After the singing show we had a beach celebration outside.  There was face painting, balloon art, swimming pools, kool aid and shaving cream stations and lots of pot luck.  The kids had a blast and thankfully the day was super warm.  I love the way Hunter is on the end participating and helping at the same time.  He is the best big brother in the world.  As I am blogging about this moment I realize that my boys have surrounded themselves with the girls!  
 Field day at Sullins Academy.  The Jr. Kindergarten, preschoolers, and Kindergarteners had field day in the gym.  Hunter had fun but was a little shy competing in the races in front of the entire school. He did his race and ran back to his seat.  Here he is getting ready for the T shirt race (similar to the 3-legged race, I suppose).  He was paired with his buddy, Hayden and then accompanied by some older middle schoolers for support purposes.  They took off and WON!!
 All the rage---the cutest Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles in the world!!
 Fun in the sprinklers with umbrellas.  They had the best time with this!
Here is one of those photos for the record books.  I will keep you guessing as to whom these little white legs belong to.  I came around the corner to see how the umbrellas were holding up and I caught someone in the act of trying to turn up the water!  Hmmmmmm.......
 Forever and ever.  One of our first days out together at the pool.

 Strawberry picking and eating with PAPA!!
 Playground playing.
And very little sleeping.  Well, I feel like there is very little sleeping.  I love it and I love our family and we have had one terrific and blessed summer and I look forward to blogging back through the memories.

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