Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lucas's Christmas performance at Sinking Springs Preschool

 This year our wonderful music director moved to Texas and we were so sad to lose her.  The boys and I have been attending Music Together classes since they were babies and I was really happy when they adopted the music program into the preschool.  Ms. Janet is Lucas's teacher this year and for the Christmas performance the kids showed us all a few of the moves and songs they learned in class.
David and I weren't sure how Lucas was going to act in front of a large group of people, but once again the little guy surprised us.  He was happy to see us in the crowd and he sang, clapped, danced and wiggled with all of his friends.  It was a joy to watch.
 There he is front and center shaking the wiggles out.

 Now they have musical instruments, what fun!

 Performing is hard work and waiting for a two year old is even harder.  After the program the preschool hosted all the families and students to a yummy pasta lunch.  In this picture Lucas and his friend Lilly are patiently waiting for lunch.

 I guess the waiting was getting old.

 Pure sweetness.

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