Friday, November 16, 2012

Sullins Academy's trip to the Fair

 Here are all the Jr. Kindergarteners waiting to start their tour of the fair.  This was our first official school field trip and I think it was a success.  The ride were closed (thank goodness) so our visit included a trip to the petting zoo and animal corrals and a ticket to the elephant show.  It was fun and I think Hunter really enjoyed the experience with his friends.
 Choosing a good spot...
 There it is, right in the middle of the top part of the leg.  If you really know my Hunter, you already know the color, orange, of course!  Every year that we have been to the fair we have seen this horse with all the handprints and wondered where they came from.  Well, this year we found out and got to be a part of the painting.  The owner lets all the preschoolers put their handprint on the horse. By the end of the day the horse is covered.
This was part of the act of the elephant show.  I was pretty good I guess.  I haven't seen any other elephant shows so I don't have anything to compare it too...and I have a little thing with wild animals being in captivity and used for entertainment....but I'll let it go, the kids loved it!  These elephants we close to 50 years old and have been with their owners sine they were 3 so they do love them.  In this picture that lady rode around the ring in the elephant's mouth to show trust and strength of the elephant. I had a couple of other pics of the animals that might have been better than this one, but this is the part of the show that the kids went wild over!

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