Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's up with Hunter

Leaving the dentist! No cavities, yipppeeee!! I am having a hard time getting Hunter to smile for pictures, he always wants to do a cheesy face like the one above!!

There was a movie playing on the ceiling. He was super through the entire exam.

Running. Hunter loves to run with us and now when we get done with our run, Hunter finishes the last little bit running with me. I love it.

His latest obsession is pirates and swords. He LOVES to dress up and pretend. In these pics he had me tie an old baby bird toy to his shoulder to be his talking parrot and I had to make a patch for his eye and a belt for his sword. It is great!

Our last snow day of the winter season. It was sometime in March. I think the day before we actually had on shorts. We built our best snowman and donned him in beach attire!

One of Hunter's best friends, Emerson. They play so well together and we kid that one day they will be dating. Who knows, we love her family and we love Emerson!

Hunter is coming out of his shell at his own little pace. He is growing up so quickly and as I blog pictures of him I can see him turning into a little boy and less of a toddler. Just a quick upadate on some things that have been going on with him.

He had his first trip to the dentist and he did fantastic. He was fascinated with all the tools, especially the water squiter. We are proud to announce that he has no cavities!! In addition to the tools he was most pleased with his new toothbrush and big boy toothpaste. Which brings up how orderly and rigid he can be with routine. Hunter is a rule follower and likes things done a certain way every time. This can be both good and bad...let's just say that changes for Hunter can be a little difficult. For example, the new toothbrush he got at the dentist can ONLY be used with the new toothpaste, he only eats from his orange plates and the wrapper on an ice cream sandwhich must be left on the bottom about 1/2 inch so he doesn't actually have to touch the outside for fear of getting the outside of the ice cream sandwhich all over his hands. The list could go on, but hopefully you get my point! Hunter is very sweet and loving and will fall asleep in 10 seconds flat if he has someone to snuggle up with. He is the world's best cuddler and I often long to nap with him in the afternoons, but little Lucas somehow manages to keep me busy during those times. He is doing great in school and has lots of friends. We are very proud of him and I feel so blessed to be his mother.

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