Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Random Cuteness

Sharing a chew bone with Abby. I can't tell you how many I have gotten out of his mouth. They must help with teething.

So much snow around, still waiting for spring and some better weather. We spend lots of time in the house but we all have a wonderful time together.

I think he is eating a cupcake left over from a baby shower I co hosted. I am sure there weren't any crumbs left. He is afterall a sweet toothed Simmons baby!

Today was a day that we made lots and lots of Christmas ornaments and holiday crafts. Hunter loves to do projects and I do too...but the little one wants to help so it can be quite the challenge to keep him occupied with other activites.

This is an activity easel that I keep in the kitchen. Hunter loves to draw and work on his letters and numbers while I cook or do some of the other billion household chores. Lucas found a new use for it-a walker. He wasn't walking at this time but he found a way under the easel, pulled himself up and took off around the house! What a great idea for a 9 month old.

Chloe entertaining Lucas before dinner.

I think he looks guilty of something in this picture. He was probably plotting a way to get behind the fireplace screen. One day Hunter cried out, "Mommy, look at Lucas!" When I looked up Lucas was sitting inside the fireplace kicking and hitting the fireplace screen from the inside and laughing it up the whole time. This baby keeps me on my toes. Thank goodness sweet Hunter is always helping me keep up with him!

Not sure what they are watching and Hunter looks like he smells something terrible.

Chloe getting some Lucas Santa love! She is so sweet with him.

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