We finally started getting some warmer days. The weather has been doing some crazy tricks, but in the spring when you get a few of those nice warm days you just don't want any more unseasonable cold snaps!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Easter in Pilot Mountain!
We had an Easter egg hunt at Gaga's house before Easter lunch and the kids had a blast. Hunter was much more comfortable scrapping around for eggs here. By now this was his third hunt and he was getting the hang of it. Now they are all sitting on the porch and counting their loot!
Lucas and Cowboy having a moment.
Hunter racing for eggs!
Chloe, also known around the Hunter household as 'Hawkeye', is a professional egg hunter. The Easter bunny had to find some pretty tricky spots.
Lucas had more fun playing with the Easter grass then with anything in his Easter basket. I should have known!
An after picture of Hunter's Easter basket. The Easter bunny left him some Scooby Doo.
Easter Egg fun and hunt inside the Fellowship Hall of Gaga's church. This was not the best idea in the world, but the kids had a lot of fun. It was so cold that day and it was raining outside so they had the hunt indoors. Imagine 50 kids all picking up eggs just thrown about on the floor! This was Hunter's worst nightmare. I don't think he moved 3 feet from my side....don't worry Lucas and Chloe had a blast.
Lucas at the preschool Easter egg hunt. He is not about to be outdone by the bigger kids.
I feel silly posting about Easter during the middle of the summer, but in my own defense it was really late this year!
Hunter and the rest of his classmates awaiting the single to start the hunt!
Some of his friends ended up giving him some eggs. It was such a sweet gesture. Hunter is still so shy and he had a hard time competing in the search. All the other kids were pushing and running and grabbing...but not Hunter. He hung out in the back, I was so tearful that he only had about 3 eggs compared to the dozens the others had so I was relieved when these sweet girls offered to share.
Lucas's first big boy haircut
Just like his big brother, he was born with and has kept a full head of hair. The first few times I noticed a few straggling pieces I cut them myself. I did the same thing with Hunter, but after a few times of this they need some professional help. Lucas is a bit more spirited than Hunter so I was very anxious to get this first cut out of the way. Needless to say, he enjoyed this about as much as being pinched but we all survived. I have to give Cheryl, our fabulous hairdresser, major props for this haircut. This was not an easy task! In the end he got his big boy haircut and even a sucker. We can always hope that the next time will be a little easier...for everyone.
Thank goodness we are all done here!
Thank goodness we are all done here!