Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brotherly stuff

Made him try on the whole outfit. He really did like it, regardless of this face.
Lucas and Abby watching mommy and daddy clean up the yard from a tree that fell over during a storm. I just love this picture.

Having fun being pulled around in the bean bag!

Hunter making sure Lucas is holding on tight before entering the tunnel.

Just play..Hunter has the best imagination and can spend hours being a police officer, fireman, or any kind of workman or farmer. Sometimes he refuses to answer me unless I call him by his new name, like farmer Hunter or Sam the fireman or Tom the helicopter pilot (I could go on all day here) He often includes Lucas in on the fun, but he usually ends up being some kind of animal!


What a happy ghost!


Play and play.
Sweet Hunter.

Little Lucas...
Playing in the leaves after school. We had some beautiful colors this year.


Trying to eat. Lucas is the messiest and hardest kid to feed. He doesn't like baby food so I make most of his food or just give him what we are eating. Not to mention he squirms and fusses through most of the feeding!

This is just a funny picture! I am sure Lucas feels this way most of the time they are wrestling!

Yes, he is crawling! He is on the move. It took him about 2 weeks to get the hang of it and now he is a speed racer. Not to mention he pulls up or climbs on anything he can get a toe hold on. Seems to me that Hunter didn't do this stuff until 9 months...why are we starting 3 months early!


Lucas along for the ride. I would like to say that he actually enjoyed himself, but I think he would have rather been running around with all the other kids.
Unbelievable! Last year Hunter would not go up to a house without the guidance of Chloe and he wouldn't dream of saying trick or treat. This year he was first to the door, had no problem shouting trick or treat and thank you, and then was off running to the next house. One of us had to walk with the stoller while the other ran to keep up with Hunter. I will have some videos up of this soon! It was the funniest thing and at one point I think I actually heard him screaming, "I love candy."

Group photo of all the kids before they were cut loose to trick or treat. This is the best Halloween party and a happy memory that I hope our kids will have about Halloween when they get older. Each year our friends the Pillions host a great family Halloween party. There is good food and company and then the kids go trick or treating up and down the street they live on. It is in the historic section of Abingdon so there is no traffic and the kids get to go to about 25 houses...and this is way more candy than my little 3 year old needs. We have some great friends and some fabulous times in our little town.

Trying to get everyone in.

Lucas's little buddy Jacob. His mother and I were preggo at the same time with our due dates one day apart! Jacob was born one week after Lucas. Jacob's brother, Adam is three and one of Hunter's best friends!

Halloween Party

Yes, we dressed up. I know the costumes are lame, but we did the best we could! If you are trying to guess we are Daisy Duke and Uncle Jessie. I know we are the spitting image of Hazzard county! We actually went out and left the kiddos at home. Thanks Aunt Jenny and Trina!

Trunk or Treat!

David and Radar, Fireman Hunter's fire/rescue dog.
Fireman Hunter. He had the best little costume complete with a hat, boots(hard to walk in) and fire hose. He still loves to dress up and play doesn't have to be Halloween.

My car decorated for trunk or treat! We have a contest every year and this year I won 3rd place! Not too bad considering I put this idea together the night before. If you can't tell it is Thomas chugging through the spooky woods! Next year I should bring the track and let the kids all take rides around the car...maybe then I would win 1st place...which is free tuition for the month!

The second place winner---"Cloudy with a chance of meatballs." They gave away rice crispy meatballs.

And the winner was sponge bob. Hunter was scared of him and were many of the kids, but A+ for the mom who put in the effort!


This is the greatest event and we look forward to it each year. The preschool has the trike a thon every year to help raise money for St. Jude's hospital. This was Hunter's third year as a participant. We have gone from pushing him in the little car, to walking with him on his bike (he was too shy last year to ride by himself) to sitting back and watching him ride while we talk with other parents and push Lucas in the stoller. Yes, Lucas was here and he loved watching all the action. Not sure why we didn't get a picture of him, but he was there!
He was a speed demon and we stopped counting his laps. He was a great driver and very careful of the smaller riders. We were very proud of him.

This may have been his favorite part...a balloon sword and a pirate hat! He was a bit confused when he saw other kids 'hitting' with the swords as this is a BIG NO NO at our house so he mostly just sat back and watched. After some time he must have decided this play was OKay and joined in the excitement. David and I just made sure nothing got out of control and let him sword fight away!

Visit to PM

On our last trip to PM Hunter and Lucas had a great time at Granddaddy's house riding the blue car. Lucas loved trying to drive and Hunter was great at giving him pushes around the house. It is amazing to watch the things these two boys do together. We forget how little Lucas is, but David and I have decided to just let him do (within reason of course) the things that Hunter does. He loves it and tries so hard to keep up. I didn't realize how fast the second one seems to grow!

Wouldn't be a trip if we didn't go to the car show! I can only imagine when Hunter is just a few years older I could drop David, Hunter and Norman off on Main Street where they could spend the whole day looking at cars! Me, not so much!

More updates

We are officially back running agian and we have had some beautiful fall runs on the Creeper Trail. This was Lucas's first time 'riding solo.' Usually Hunter is with us but he was in school.
Here they are in the double stroller. Lucas is still too little to sit in the seat so he rides in the infant carrier and if you look closely he is bungy tied in! This little man is on the move and refuses to lean back and enjoy the ride. Instead, he likes to sit straight up in the seat and aggrevate Hunter! They both enjoy riding together and we enjoy taking them with us. Poor David is a tough guy to push them both for our runs. We shorten our runs to 4-5 miles when the kids are in tow!

Waiting on Daddy to get down the access hill to the Creeper Trail. Hunter being cheesy. He has started making these ridiculous faces when we try to take his picture. I hope he grows out of this soon!

Hunter got tired of taking Lucas on train rides so I decided to let him try it on his own and what do you know he LOVED it! Now, he regularly takes train rides and it is the funniest thing to see this little baby riding round and round....he cries when it stops or you take him off of it! Yes, he even knows how to hold on.
Wrestling, one of their favorite activities. Can't imagine what this will be like when they get older. Guess we are glad Daddy is an ED doctor!

Sitting up at 5 months!

Catch up Pics!

This is just a really cute picture of Lucas beginning to sit up all by himself...he is almost 6 months old here.

In the playrooom we have a Thomas the Train engine that Hunter enjoys giving Lucas double rides on. He is a great big brother and it is amzing to see how well they play together even though our little Lucas is still just a baby! Hunter often reminds me how much he loves Lucas and that he "wants to keep him!"


Cute pictures of some fun times outside before the weather starts to get chilly. The leaves have begun to change but we had some really warm days during the last days of September and first week of October.

Lucas loved the baby pool. In these pictures he wasn't able to sit up by himself so I held him and he had a blast kicking and swimming in the water. Big brother found this very entertaining and loved pouring water on his head. Lucas didn't like this so much and neither did Hunter when I started pouring it on his! I'm sure this won't be the last time they have a water fight in the pool...but I guess it was the first!