Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brotherly love!

Hunter is getting really good at holding Lucas and actually wanting to hold him. We have good and bad moments with jealousy, but for the most part he loves having a little brother.

My boys getting ready for bed.

Hunter's new gator! He is helping David get the trash up to take to the dump.

Going home!

We just got home! Poor Hunter didn't make any of the pictures, he was taking a nap!

All ready to go!

Waiting on our discharge nurse, couldn't wait to get home!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More baby!

Enjoy the pics! All of these were taken while we were in the hospital.

Poor little fellow has so much bruising. It is just now getting better.

Such a sweet little boy from the very beginning! He was so good in the hospital. The nurses affectionately called him their "good boy."

First visit with Granddaddy.

My sweet little California raisen. His face was so purple!

Daddy time!
Ga-ga and Hunter. I think they were talking about what babies eat. Hunter wanted him to have a ham biscuit on the very first morning they met!
Papa time!
Hunter was a great big bro from the start! He was so happy to finally have him here. He came to visit every day while we were in the hospital. His favorite part was riding the elevators up to the room and my lunch and/or dinner tray. He loved that 'we' got to eat in bed on "that little table!"

Both grandsons at once!

Happy and tired. We hadn't had any sleep since he was born at 4 am! Sleep becomes overrated once again with a newborn. Oh well, it is worth every minute.
Here we are about 5 minutes or so after delivery! Very happy and very relieved that our Lucas had arrived!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lucas Michael Simmons

Lucas Michael Simmons was born on April 9th at 4 am weighing 7lbs. 15.5 oz and was 20 inches long. He was born at Johnston Memorial Hospital. He is a wonderful baby and we are so thankful to have him here with us healthy and full term!

Easter Egg Hunt

Mr. Bunny cake that Chloe and Hunter helped make. They had more fun just eating the candy!
Chloe working hard dying eggs. I think later in the day she and Hunter had fun smashing them up against trees!

Don't mind my really preggo belly. At 36 weeks I got the OK from the doctors to start moving again so I took full advantage of it. I am not and was not a very good bed ridden patient!

Finishing up the Easter egg hunt. They had so much fun we had to re hide the eggs in the front yard.

Running to get the most eggs...or at least the ones with hidden treats in them. And for those of you who haven't met Bruno, there he is running in the background with Hunter. This is Chloe's little dog and he has the best personality and loves playing with the kids.

Easter time!

Daddy was helping out.

Ga-ga REALLY loved helping Hunter find his creative side. I should have gotten more eggs just for her!

Hunter loves dying easter eggs. We had lots of crafty projects to do since we were camped out indoors for awhile. It was nice to have a holiday to celebrate and decorate for.

The blogging continues...

Okay, so I have been really, really slack updating this blog lately but things around here are staying pretty busy. I am going to give a quick briefing on the past 2 months and then I will share lots of pictures.

Where to start...

During our weird snowy winter we managed to finish part of our basement and I was put on bed rest. It was a crazy time with workers always in and out of the house and with mom and dad here to help when David was at work, just in case I was to go into early labor. We all know now that didn't happen! I really don't think we did too much during this time because the weather was so bad and I, well just couldn't do that much. Hunter and my parents were amazing during this lag period and we all did the best we could to keep his life as normal and on schedule as possible. He is a great kid and just seemed to go with the flow.

Okay, I think that sums up what we have been doing for the past couple of months. Pretty boring wouldn't you say! Now for the more entertaining news!